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ENA Workshop 2020

NEWS: The workshop will take place as an online conference!

(For our cancellation policy see registration.)

Due to imponderable travel restrictions, ENA and AGES decided to move the conference online. This makes us totally independent of any Corona-related uncertainties and brings us virtually together!

We are looking forward to seeing you all at the virtual ENA in October.
Until then, stay healthy!



Naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) is an increasingly important subject within the radiation protection community, having an impact on the daily operation of many branches of industry. The first of a series of conferences on NORM was held in Amsterdam in 1997, followed by several conferences and workshops.

Current developments in technologies, legislation and science, a regular exchange of experiences, best practice as well as societal perception issues make a regular meeting of experts from all these fields not only interesting but indispensable! ENA, the European NORM Association, organises NORM Workshops to meet this need from a European perspective. The recent implementation of the 2013 European Basic Safety Standards Directive by EU member states makes this exchange of experience even more relevant.


Announcement of the 2nd ENA workshop

The next ENA Workshop will be held online on 20th - 22nd October 2020 and hosted by AGES, the Austrian Agency for Health & Food Safety. This conference can be attended by members and non-members of the ENA, though members will enjoy some extra benefits, such as a reduction of the attendance fees and participation in the working groups.

With the abstracts and registrations that we have already received, we expect a very stimulating workshop with high quality papers and interesting discussions, with plenty of opportunities to network and exchange professional experience and ideas.



The ENA 2020 NORM Workshop will focus on four main topics:

  • NORM in the Industry (including decommissioning of NORM facilities)
  • NORM in the Environment
  • NORM in Building Materials (including the re-use of NORM)
  • Practical implementation of the EU BSS

Invited keynote speakers include

  • Jim Hondros, IRPA
  • Jean-François Lecomte, ICRP and
  • Oskar van Drongen, Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij

Young professionals are encouraged to participate and present their work. The best presentation selected from those not older than 35 will receive the Young Professionals Award, which will be a gold coin of the Vienna Symphonic Orchestra.

The programme can be found in the download section.

ENA members are invited to attend the General Assembly of ENA.


Registration fees

Registration fee for workshop (online only, please note reduced fees for this virtual event):

  • non ENA members: 200 €
  • ENA members: 150 €

Registration deadline: 15th October 2020






11:00 am
01:15 pm


Online via Zoom


Spargelfeldstraße 191
1220 Wien
Phone: +43 (0)5 0555-25201