Lifelong Learning and Micro-credentials within AKIS - 7th Conversation on Agroecology
Wednesday, 29.01.2025 | 13:00 - 14:00 CET
Taru Sandén
AGES, Austria
Enhancing Ireland's Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS) for Sustainable Farming
Mark Gibson
Teagasc, Ireland
Teagasc is a partner in the EU modernAKIS project which aims to improve AKIS actors’ capacities to leverage individual, organizational and systemic resources needed for the transformation towards more coherent, effective, and efficient AKIS systems and the transition to a more sustainable management and use of natural resources in farming and forestry. The presentation will examine Ireland’s Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS), emphasizing its role in fostering sustainable, resilient, and farmer-focused practices. We will also discuss plans to develop a Farmer Lifelong Learning programme that supports farmers throughout their career in agriculture.
Microcredentials in Agriculture
Fiona Lalor
University College Dublin
Since September 2023, University College Dublin, through the School of Agriculture & Food Science (SAFS), has offered micro credentials to industry and those working in the agri-food sector. Micro credentials are short, flexible, industry-aligned courses that are fully accredited. They are typically 100% online and asynchronous so students can get access to the materials when it suits them best. SAFS offers a variety of courses from Nutrition and Consumer Diet, through to Equine Reproduction and Fertility. This presentation will focus on the microcredential: Advanced Animal Nutrition. It will give a flavour of the content, anticipated learning outcomes and where the students come from to take this programme. We’ll discuss the mode of delivery which is key for personnel working either on the farm or in the wider agriculture sector and the type of assessment strategy that works best.
Taru Sandén, AGES, Austria
Ana Pires da Silva, MSc, Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária, I. P. (INIAV), Portugal